Member-only story
Prioritisation or Procrastination?
For me, the hardest part of prioritizing is not getting distracted once I have identified my priorities for the day. I actually sat down to write this article then went to get a glass of water. I got distracted and forgot about it until I sat down to turn off the computer. I am now in the process of writing two documents. My novel which I have scheduled to write at this time. As well as this article which was scheduled for earlier in the day.
Priorities with no hard deadline
Part of the issue is I’m actually quite excited about both documents and neither have a hard deadline. I have soft deadlines as both these projects are things I want to do but don’t have to do. So sometimes it’s easy to get drawn into other activities.
Calendar Your Day to Stay on Track
To help me with this, I have started to calendar my day. This was suggested to me by a friend — I have found it most helpful. When my youngest son was home-based learning, I needed to put my highest priority items between the hours of three pm till six pm. I have scheduled my own personal learning activities when he is doing his work. This meant I was able to assist him as my concentration levels could be lower during those times.
Define Your Priorities