What’s my life task?
How would you spend your days differently if you didn’t care so much about seeing your actions reach fruition?
In today’s meditation, I am faced with my biggest fear. What if I run out of time? I cannot think about death without a downward spiral, so I typically avoid it as much as I can.
I am okay with finiteness and finitude, two concepts Oliver Burkman used in his book Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals.
Being a finite person works for me. I know what it means, but it doesn’t freak me out as much.
Today’s meditation is about finding your life task. I linked it to the question I ask myself at the end of every month and took this from Oliver Burkman's Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals.
How would you spend your days differently if you didn’t care so much about seeing your actions reach fruition?
This question challenges our focus on results over effort. It’s good to remind myself that it’s about enjoying the journey, not the destination.
I am linking both questions because a life task is where I see my writing going. I want to do it and will do it even if I never publish anything or get paid for it.